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[Chairman, DIET]


Privatization of higher education has opened the door for every student of intermediate and graduation to get admission in professional courses. Before Privatization, hub of the technical education and management studies was around the IISc. IITs and IIMs still the jewels of India are drawn by these organizations. The private Institutes are getting average and low quality students. It becomes an ordeal to transform them from their level to IITs & IIMs level.
To bring such transformation our emphasis shall be on holistic development of our participants which shall include academic excellence, competence and confidence. This would allow them to steer through tough terrain posed by Global Challenges of the professionalism. We are committed and are proud to nurture, groom and dedicate our precious students for the course of technological development of the nation. We not only prepare our students as master technocrats but also generate in them the potential to surpass the technological race of the global.